Monday, May 18, 2015

Vanilla Sundae

Red beet coloured bed sheets
Tousled hair
We don’t care
Side by side
Two beating hearts
Chest to chest
Being undressed
In your arms
No alarms
Hugs and kisses
And crawling fingers
Mondays like Sundays
Thursdays like Sundays
Saturdays like Sundays
Every day is like Sunday
When I’m with you
My sundae.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

21st Century Brutus

Audacious you are, but cocky
With your opinions that has great roots
"hello" I voiced to the desolated wight
We later on, always walked side by side
Even doubts couldnt cross between this new guy and I

Youre too intelligent, my friend
That you didnt realise
Out of all the 5 theatres we've watched together
I made you promise to keep the ticket from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
I kept saying my favourite line during our walk home

"Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar"
Little did you know I had the same plan as Brutus
Now stay as lonely as you were
I only needed your intelligence not your weirdness,

//Afiqah Isa


So i tried the list kinda writing that Angst & Anguish Literatures shared on twitter last week. Haha

We both got place to be seperated in different states to study
We texted using our RM60 purple coloured Nokia's everyday to ask how everything was going for each other
We shared our problems, exchanged opinions and helped each other with every single thing we had
We started to have something in common, feelings for each other
Hearing each others voice every night before bed became a routine, and was the only way to put a smile on our faces despite the hectic schooling sessions.
She appeared
You told her to listen to Youre Beautiful by James Blunt
You asked me how to win a pretty lady's heart. Did you not know or have you forgotten that you've stolen mine?
I loved you. It felt like i was putting my own heart at the shredding machine. Literally. When i helped you on how to ask her on a date.
It was her birthday. You made it so special. My birthday was a week before hers, but you were having a test.
Youre buying her pretty shoes and nice Frappes, and i was burning my ass off for exams so that i can win you back in the future.
I sat on the toilet crying blood. Regretting that i had you in my prayers everytime without fail. But youre sleeping with her.


Friday, May 8, 2015


life minus wrath

bring me back to the days
where trees didnt smell like death
bring me back to the days
where enemies was not pedophiles but math
bring me back to the days
where life minus wrath