Every puddle I avoided but somehow fell in it a bit, wet my shoes slowly and supposedly I hate it. The thought of wet socks and having to dry my shoes annoys me so much that I might even put them in the green trash bin. Especially when it's November rain water. This time, I cherish the moment of jumping over them and the feeling of water slowly soaking my feet gives me a chill that managed to put a smile on my face. The smell of fried marinated chicken and steamed rice hypnotized me towards your favorite stall. It reminds me of how we used to sit oppositely eating them while you smile looking at my ignorant face. It reminds me of the look on your face when the rice is too hot, but you're still trying to touch it. It reminds me of us. It reminds me of how I was a shitty girlfriend to you and only pain that I gave but you kept trying to touch my heart because you know deep inside I'm not what I choose to show. It reminds me that love can't be compared to a plate of Nasi Kukus Ayam Dara because when the cold breeze pass, the rice shall reduce its heat allowing you to eat it happily. Sadly love only knew how to give you pain, and then leave. So you could get another to touch and feel better. She said sorry she just had to leave.
-She, who goes to the same stall for lunch ever since.
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