Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I Am Tired Of Appologising So Hye

I used to write a lot about this person, probably the second highest subject out of all of the writings I've ever written in my life. Pffffttt, I know right? It has been a while since I wrote about/for you. I guess we both did a good job in making peace with ourselves, with our past and with our friendship that has never really left us. Used to be a bro to me, and then cupid acted stupid that we broke the bro code and now we're in the bro zone again. I can say that I am happy this way, it's like I've missed talking to you as a friend and we finally became ourselves again. It has only been like one year ago but it seems like we have grew out of it pretty amazingly. So as requested, this poem is for you dude(used to call you babe but fuk u hahaha).

Yesterday is so far in my days
but it is so near in my mind
the fact that you crossed the border
is totally something to be amazed by
I still wonder how you managed to cut off the lines

Your happiness is my pleasure
but life said that route is a disgrace to our ways
the decision for our departure
was the best thing that we could chase

Now you are a hero of your own
and I am again my own queen in my castle
We are too strong for each other
Being together makes us nothing but frown

Here I am giving you my gratitude
for being a good person for me to remember always
the younger you has always been in a persons bad book
trust me, you are too dearly to be in mine

I used to write you many poems
of sorry's and goodbyes
I guess this one right here is me
finally wanting to say "hye!"

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