Saturday, March 11, 2017

His Heart Says Hers (Part 1)

*mornings by the beach*

The usual, he jogs barefooted along the shore in an all black tank top and shorts with his eyes closed, sometimes he'd go too near to the water he gets wet, at time he steps on broken shells, bad days he would even run into people. However, on this noteworthy day, the feeling of the sun rising is different. He could feel the sunlight tingling on the left side of his body like its poking him on the right places, to the point that he feels like he could hear the waves mellifluously hitting the shores. As if, the universe has something to bring forward before him today. 

He went on, lack of concern. Probably his body is expecting an extraordinary post running breakfast. Until he felt his right foot accidentally kicked something through the sands. 

He checks his watch

(him): Ugh, just one more minute till I break my latest record and you just had to mess my serenity. What the heck is this?

He squat down to pick up a small rustic wooden box which originally was buried in the sands until he unfortunately kicked it out, which also had a mini pink flag on the box which was intended to be left out as a mark.

He tried opening it but kinda failed

(him): Guess this is mine now, finders keepers.

*In his room*

He pulls his chair and sat at his study table facing the windows which had a view of the beach, and checks his drawer for anything that could help him open the box

About half an hour later, he managed to open it after trying hard enough with the powers that men brains and strength has. He found small folded papers, like booklets. They all had different things and stories. There were around 20 of them. 

He read one by one, observing the words chosen to be written down. Carefully trying to understand this whole thing. 

He took out his phone from his right pocket and opened browser, searching up "folded booklets". He scrolled and found the word used, a 'zine'. 

(him): Zin? Zyn? Whatever. But these are smaller in size. Maybe its a small one, like a 'mini zine'. I dont know lol. This thing looks like a girls hopeless romantic fantasies saved for the future her to laugh about.

He left the box and went out, of course to the beach again. Whats better doing on long breaks?

*at the beach*

He saw a lady in a lime green sun dress lying down under the scorching hot sun around the area the box was left, with her red heart shaped sunnies on.

(him): Is she crazy? Nobody comes here at this hour, in fact people don't even come to this area other times. She probably fell from an aliens nation who was just dropped off a UFO or shit, lol

he mumbled to himself as he walks towards her

he sat down beside her, pulled his cap lower due to the sun that was straight in his face

(him): Which planet?
(her): Whats that supposed to mean?
(him): Are you crazy or are you crazy?
(her): Why do you concern so much? Let me do whatever I want on this depressing day.
(him): Well, if you love getting barbecued I wouldn't mind getting free food. Putting aside the idea of cannibalism.

she remained in her lying position, unbothered.

(him): Come on. I could use a story, about this extra ordinary person who is most probably lack of sanity

She was pretty triggered so she sat down and gave him a pretty long stare that shows her annoyed feeling

(her): I live somewhere around this place and I also come here a lot, I even thought this beach was mine alone until I found out that sharks could walk to land and steal. And who are you, Mr. Teaser? What are you doing here in the middle of the day?
(him): I am always here, but never have I actually saw you. Maybe I have, but you were probably less significant before. But seriously though, can we move to a shade because the Sun is killing me.
(her): You've probably never felt heartbreak, it kills better than the Sun.

they both walked towards a tree and sat

she took off her sunnies and he was pretty shooked by her eyes

(her): I lost something precious today. I mean, not that it was not forseeable that it could be taken away but for almost the past three weeks it was fine. Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't fell off an outsiders spaceship you know, if thats what you were thinking.

he smirked

(him): Wow, Miss Telepathy. Nah, I just thought you have a unique facial features. If nobody has ever told you that before.
(her): Thank you.
(him): So where were we again? Heartbreak? Loss? I'm all ears if you don't mind sharing.

she checked her grass green watch on her left wrist

(her): Hey, I got to go. See you around.

She stood up and walked away
He lied down and continued wondering about the imposing girl he just met

*Screen fades*

dir. Flying Rascals (09.03.2017)

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