Friday, March 10, 2017

His Heart Says Hers (Part 3)

*At the beach at sunrise*

Simultaneously, he came into the picture from the left and she came in from the right. She was in pink and he, was in electric blue.

Both looked at each other surprised, top to toe.

(Him and her): Rare occurance we must say.
(Him and her): jinx

Both laughed to which only the two of the beings could hear as there was none other around

(Him): so what are we?
(Her): whatever nature is doing around us, to us, i guess. We could even be the sun, rising?

She giggles

(Him): you came, you are here now. And you are in pink!
(Her): yeap, we are here. And you are not in black??

Both started walking along the shore

(Her): how was the past few weeks?
(Him): ummm, hard. As usual. But some of my burdens were carried away by the simple thoughts of you. Weird, dont you think so?

She blushes as he looked at her being awkward

(Her): so you are telling me that the idea of myself has been exchanged by your thoughts kicking out the nonsensical burdens youve been carrying?
(Him): quite. Not exactly that, but I could take that as an answer. I mean, i finally had to wake up somehow and not for reasons that would want me dead.
(Her): nothing wants you dead, not even death. If so, he would have come to pick you up long ago.
(Him): maybe. And you?

He stopped walking and stood infront of her

(Him): Have I ever crossed your mind? For silly reasons atleast?

She picked up a sea shell and walked further up and sat down on her slippers

(Her): how silly could silly be?
(Him): I dont know, how I am always unconsciously pulling my hair to the back? Or just how I'm always feeling like shit?
(Her): thats not silly, silly.

She threw a little sand to his pants

(Her): if I had thoughts about you, it would be about you as a person. Even if I could only remember the feeling of your presence standing next to me because the past few times we met, I never actually observed you.
(Him): really?

He looked at her, who was still deeply being enthusiastic over the sea shells

(Him): would you remember them tomorrow? Or next week? Or forever?

She paused and looked at him puzzled

(Her): sorry, wait, who? Them?

He pointed at the seashells

(Him): them? You seem so interested, as if youre trying to remember every parts of those little things.
(Her): theyre beautiful. Maybe I would forget by tonight how it felt having them in my hands, I would most probably forget how they look specifically too. But you know what?

She takes his hand and put a few on his

(Her): i will never forget that they are beautiful, and if i come here I know that there are beautiful things that i can find. Maybe it will no longer be the same, but it is still pleasing to the eyes and soul. What say you?
(Him): mmhhmm, point taken. So why pink?
(Her): because i want to be remembered, as something beautiful. And to be so you have to be different. And i want to be remembered differently on this day compared to any other days. Why blue?
(Him): i intended to camouflage with the sea, but i guess i failed.

They both laughed

(Him): nah, i just thought that this moment is special. Im already pitch black inside, as if you couldnt see that yet. So blue, is not so far from black, but it is still special. Youre special.
(Her): dont be special because of me, be great by embracing those darkness you have in you. I mean, some people are so bright they dont even know what is peace.
(Him): so do you want to get breakfast? I know a stall where they sell fresh fruits and cakes by now

He stood up, brushing off the sands offering her a hand

(Her): that sounds refreshing

She held his hand and they walked away.
*Screen fades*

dir. Flying Rascals (08.03.2017)

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