Wednesday, March 8, 2017

His Heart Says Hers (Part 5)

*phone on side table beeps*

(him): Lets talk?

*At the beach*

she walks towards the water and he comes into the picture from behind

(him): What if I instantly become vulnerable out there? What if these small cracks starts to worsen?

he takes her hands

(him): What if I see you in other beings who walk pass by me and it kills me not having you to wink and being all weird randomly?

she pulls his hand and step into the water letting waves innocently hit their knees

(her): I will write you letters, I will never stop. I will sing you goodnight, I will burn you a CD of our conversations and my ugly singing.
(him): What is going to happen to the lady I'm standing next to for the times I will be gone? How will she wake up to life and live lightly?
(her): She will receive letters from you, she will have you at the back of her mind. She will have hope, she won't wait but she will always believe in miracles.

they face each other and walks to sit on the sands

(her): we can do this the old fashioned way, it's the best way to be fair to fate. To have trust in what we should and should not?
(him): Do you think I can get that life we laughed about when we were younger?

he smiles in a beautiful way

(her): whatever life we would get, the young us would still laugh about it because its a story they are eager to hear. What is 'the life' to you?
(him): Cliche book endings, cliche movie endings, cliche heroic actions.

she laughs silly and looks across the make of him

(her): I don't know, I don't. But I could die right now, I could die whenever having the idea that I have achieved the life I was supposed to achieve. Don't you think so too?
(him): Of course, this feeling is what I can never let books write about or filmed. This feeling is simply complex, I wouldn't want the World to make their own assumptions about it.

he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and lie down at his back

(her): neither do I, let nature keep this safe.

she lies down beside him and holds his hand

(him): If I should bid farewell at this moment of time, what would you say to pack me for the long journey of life?
(her): It was supposed to be a surprise for you, keep this fair, come on?

she moves to lie down in his arms

(him): how would you know if this is the exact moment for you to speak of words of goodbye? Might as well allow me to listen carefully and embed it in my soul.
(her): You really want to know?
(him): Uhuh, go. Now.
(her): Stay out of trouble and always make time for number one, Love! I will be waiting patiently for you to return in one piece with a mind full of intelligence.
(him): What if I never came back?
(her): Whatever you heart says, my heart says the same for you too.
(him): I love you dearly, thats what my heart says.
(her): Of course.

*screen moves up towards the sea and fades*

dir. Flying Rascals (07.03.2017)

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