Monday, April 3, 2017

His Heart Says Hers (Full Script)

Hello guys! This is a full script of His Heart Says Hers which was meant for staging but, I actually intend to make the story a little longer. There are a few more parts that should actually add up to the details of the story but I'm not bothered to put them down properly yet. Anyway, enjoy this one and let your imaginations flow. If you have anything to comment or better ideas of how the story should have ended or the characters, just hit me up I'll be pleased to hear.


His Heart Says Hers is a romantic story of two young adults who has completely different backgrounds but share the same thing in common, which is finding peace by the beach. the beach is not exactly a private one, but rarely can anybody be seen at the part where they both live at. The guy, who is called Him in the story is on a long break waiting to resume his future plans enjoys jogging by the beach every single day during sunrise. The lady, who is known as Her, enjoys sunbathing under the Sun in the middle of the day and she would also sit by the beach during sunset every day without fail. She also leaves this little box by the beach, where she keeps her writings. For the past times they have both been there, neither of them ever knew that there was other people who sits by the beach. they both thought it was all theirs, alone. One day, he found the box and on the same day, he saw her. He was attracted to her at first sight because she was the kind of girl who shows her personality just by what she wears and how she acts. They both conversed instantly and realized they had some kind of attraction to each other. They enjoy writing letters to each other, distancing themselves from the modern World and how the people nowadays perceive as dating. Him and Her was the kind of lovers who does not confirm what they should and should not do, what they are and what they are not. They both solely leave things to nature and live by the moment. He knows that with her around, there’s no weight of the World that could kill him. As for her, he became her strength and passion for that was what she has been looking for all her life.

Him: A medium height guy around the age of 22- 24. Reserved and calm on the outside. Smooth and honest in speaking his thoughts, can be a little sarcastic at times. Always wear black clothing.
Her: A lady around the age 23-25 who has a strong personality, always go with bright colors. Loves to write on her free time. Speak words that are not so straight forward and can seem like a cold person.

Two tables more like a study area on both corners of the stage as the rooms of Him and Her. A mailbox, that is used by the both of them in the middle of the stage. Lighting and sound; waves and winds. Sunset and sunrise, night time and day time.

The usual, every morning he jogs barefooted along the shore of the beach nearby in an all-black tank top and shorts with his eyes closed, sometimes he'd go too near to the water he gets wet, at time he steps on broken shells, bad days he would even run into people which is extremely rare. However, on this noteworthy day, the feeling of the sun rising is different. He could feel the sunlight tingling on the left side of his body like its poking him on the right places, to the point that he feels like he could hear the waves mellifluously hitting the shores. As if, the universe has something to bring forward before him today.
(him): Today feels a little odd, I wonder why. Maybe the universe has something to bring forward before me today? Or maybe it’s just my hungry tummy expecting a good plate of breakfast after this. Oh well.
Lack of concern, he continued jogging until he felt his right foot accidentally kicked something through the sands. He checks his watch.
(him): Ugh, just one more minute till I break my latest record and you just had to mess my serenity. What the heck is this?
He squats down to pick up a small rustic wooden box which originally was buried in the sands until he unfortunately kicked it out, which also had a mini pink flag on the box which was intended to be left out as a mark. He tries opening it but kind of failed.
(him): Guess this is mine now, finders’ keepers.

*In his room*
He pulls his chair and sat at his study table facing the windows which had a view of the beach, and checks his drawer for anything that could help him open the box.
(clock ticking showing that time flies) He managed to open it after trying hard enough with the powers that men brains and strength has. He found small folded papers, like booklets. They all had different things and stories. There were around 20 of them. He read one by one, observing the words chosen to be written down. Carefully trying to understand this whole thing. He takes out his phone from his right pocket and opened browser, searching up "folded booklets". He scrolled and found the word used, a 'zine'.
(him): Zin? Zyn? Whatever. But these are smaller in size. Maybe it’s a small one, like a 'mini zine'. I don’t know lol. This thing looks like a girls’ hopeless romantic fantasies saved for the future her to laugh about.
He left the box and went out, of course to the beach again.

*at the beach*
He saw a lady in a lime green sun dress lying down under the scorching hot sun around the area the box was left, with her red heart shaped sunnies on.
(him): Is she crazy? Nobody comes here at this hour, in fact people don't even come to this area other times. She probably fell from an aliens’ nation who was just dropped off a UFO or shit, lol
he mumbled to himself as he walks towards her. he sits down beside her, pulled his cap lower due to the sun that was straight in his face.
(him): Which planet?
(her): What’s that supposed to mean?
(him): Are you crazy or are you crazy?
(her): Why do you concern so much? Let me do whatever I want on this depressing day.
(him): Well, if you love getting barbecued I wouldn't mind getting free food. Putting aside the idea of cannibalism.
she remained in her lying position, unbothered.
(him): Come on. I could use a story, about this extra ordinary person who is most probably lack of sanity
She was pretty triggered so she sat down and gave him a pretty long stare that shows her annoyed feeling.
(her): I live somewhere around this place and I also come here a lot, I even thought this beach was mine alone until I found out that sharks could walk to land and steal. And who are you, Mr. Teaser? What are you doing here in the middle of the day?
(him): I am always here, but never have I actually saw you. Maybe I have, but you were probably less significant before. But seriously though, can we move to a shade because the Sun is killing me.
(her): You've probably never felt heartbreak; it kills better than the Sun.
they both walked towards a tree and sat. she took off her sunnies and he was pretty shook by her eyes.
(her): I lost something precious today. I mean, not that it was not foreseeable that it could be taken away but for almost the past three weeks it was fine. Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't fell off an outsiders’ spaceship you know, if that’s what you were thinking.
he smirked
(him): Wow, Miss Telepathy. Nah, I just thought you have a unique facial features. If nobody has ever told you that before.
(her): Thank you.
(him): So where were we again? Heartbreak? Loss? I'm all ears if you don't mind sharing.
she checks her grass green watch on her left wrist
(her): Hey, I got to go. See you around.
She stood up and walked away. He stayed and continues wondering about the imposing girl he just met.

*in his room*
He moves his curtains to the side just to give a check of the outside
(him): oh, that weird lady is doing her crazy thing again.
He checks his watch
(him): it’s freaking 2pm, what the fuck
He takes the box on the side of his study table and walks out of his room

*at the beach*
He walks into the picture in a plain black tee. He sits beside her right side and placed the box behind him.
(him): the other day, remember the depressing one before I was you know, somehow blessed into your life, what were you looking for exactly?
(her): lol I was depressed the whole time, even now if I must say.
She looks at him
(her): what do you care, pretty boy?
He unconsciously gave a smile
(him): so you admit that I am a pretty sight to look at?
(her): I guess so; I think you look better than what I see in the mirror everyday
He looks away, far into the sea
(him): well my dear lady, what you see is not necessarily what it is or what you think it is. Anyway, are you up for a story?
With her eyes shut hid under her sunnies, she lazily nods
(him): I come here almost all the time, to jog every sunrise at least. It makes my day complete, despite the other shit stuffs I have to go through inside or outside of me. However, rarely have I expected to encounter such thing to be in my way.
(her): go straight to the point, sir
(him): so last week, while I was enjoying my lovely sweat in a sweet morning jog, I ran into this
He takes the box and put it on her lap
(him): pretty sure this belongs to the only person who comes here besides me, which is you
She gave an instant reaction, shocked and he witnessed her face lightened up for the first time ever. She got up from lying down and hugged her legs putting the box away
(her): how did you find it?
(him): funny, I kicked it. Hurt a little but I’m fine.
(her): no. I mean; how do you find the contents of this box? You’d be lying if you say you wasn’t curious enough to check it out since you took it home.
(him): well, they are honest and dreamy too. Honestly couldn’t really relate though. So its yours right?
He laughed a little
(her): uhuh. Some of them has my signature and that’s what I love to call yours truly. At least in my writings.
(him): wait, so are those real life experiences or made up stories?
(her): I can’t really give you an answer to that
She takes the box and put it in front of him
(her): you can keep it if you want. I mean, if it is important enough to me I wouldn’t have placed it in a public place like this right?
(him): hmmm, okaaay. Thank you. So how much do you write? Cause you seem like an expressive person
(her): moderately, no pressure. Just, a free flow kinda thing. When I feel like doing so I will, when I don’t then I wouldn’t even be bothered by pen and paper.
She faced him and rested her head on her knees
(her): so how have you been?
He does the same, facing her
(him): I don’t really know what to say, peaceful? I think. Not sure until when this would last but I am truly enjoying it. You know what, you’re pretty attractive for a stranger you know?
He touches her shoulder length dark brown hair
(her): ha ha, that’s hard to believe. My life on the other hand is stale. Like old biscuits, almost expired but still a biscuit. But the beach
She looks away to the sea
(her): the beach has given me this feeling I had never imagined before, so I’m good I think, as long as I am here
She looks at him again, with a calm face
(her): I’ve been to so many places and I have met so many people, I lost count of the experiences I’ve had but never have I felt this bizarre kind of moment in my life. Maybe it’s this place, maybe it’s just you?
She smiles
(him): we barely even know each other, but deep down I feel like none of the things in my life matters anymore when I sit here with you. I have the two most beautiful creations of life in front of me. I kind of wish that this moment would be filmed
With her hands in the sand enjoying the texture of it
(her): you sounded like a person who doesn’t believe in sonder or love, but I think you’re actually just like me. Hopeless romantics.
He paused the moment to look at her, and moves closer to her side and placed her head on his shoulder
(him): I have never imagined I’d sit by the beach under the Sun this hot, ever. But then with you by my side, no place is a better place to hide.
Her fluffy cheeks blushed a little redder adding on the heat that has already turned it pink
(her): do you believe in love? At least after reading the silly things I wrote in that box?
(him): what is love? I think I am an honest person in whatever situation I am in, and I also think that I like you already.
With his hand gestures
(him): the girl in the bright colored sun dresses, a lil crazy, a lil honest, somehow creepy too. Sounds like I have a specific taste in women now.
(her): bright colors yes, but not all. Will you ever leave the things you love?
(him): for the better of course, though consequences are always uncertain, sometimes we don’t have a choice.
(her): if I told you I’m already sad thinking of the thought of you leaving me, would it be logical?
Her two hands hold his
(him): my answer would be no because you seem like something I’d never want to lose either
(her): but we can’t be here forever right? We all have lives to live
He kisses the top of her hands and holds it tight
(him): yea, I won’t be around for so long, I wish we crossed each other’s paths earlier. The beach, it gives me peace and with you it feels like there’s nothing in this world that I miss. But really babe, I am just a weak old soul who craves death and picks up leftovers of hope
(her): worry not, pretty boy. I hope the thoughts of the short moments we share sings you to sleep at night. Time is a fictional tale of its own, but if we give it a chance, we could both turn into one
(him): if I request from you something, will you do it for my sake?
(her): maybe, maybe. For you, I will the best of me
(him): can you write me letters every day, and see each other here to exchange the love we have to offer, for as long as time allows us to be together?
(her): the end of time?
(him): more or less, until it’s no longer possible to do so. Spoil me, with poetry and words of fondness. I know this request is an extraordinary one, but I trust you
She takes her hand and brushes off the sands, smiles at him
(her): see you tomorrow then?
She gave him a wink and a flying kiss and walks away. He smiles and continues to sit, watching the waves hitting the shore.
(him): damn, what exactly is this life I’m living we just met twice. Sounds like my own movie to act.
He stands up and walks towards home

*At the beach at sunrise*
Simultaneously, he came into the picture from the left and she came in from the right. She was in pink and he, was in electric blue. Both looked at each other surprised, top to toe.
(Him and her): Rare occurrence we must say.
(Him and her): jinx
Both laughed to which only the two of the beings could hear as there was none other around
(Him): so what are we?
(Her): whatever nature is doing around us, to us, i guess. We could even be the sun, rising?
She giggles
(Him): you came; you are here now. And you are in pink!
(Her): yeap, we are here. And you are not in black??
Both started walking along the shore
(Her): how was the past few weeks?
(Him): ummm, hard. As usual. But some of my burdens were carried away by the simple thoughts of you. Weird, don’t you think so?
She blushes as he looked at her being awkward
(Her): so you are telling me that the idea of myself has been exchanged by your depressing thoughts, kicking out the nonsensical burdens you’ve been carrying?
(Him): quite. Not exactly that, but I could take that as an answer. I mean, i finally had to wake up somehow and not for reasons that would want me dead.
(Her): nothing wants you dead, not even death. If so, he would have come to pick you up long ago.
(Him): maybe. And you?
He stopped walking and stood in front of her
(Him): Have I ever crossed your mind? For silly reasons at least?
She picked up some sea shells and walked further up and sat down on her slippers
(Her): how silly could silly be?
(Him): I don’t know, how I am always unconsciously pulling my hair to the back? Or just how I'm always feeling like shit?
(Her): that’s not silly, silly.
She smiled and threw a little sand to his pants
(Her): if I had thoughts about you, it would be about you as a person. Even if I could only remember the feeling of your presence standing next to me because the past few times we met, I never actually observed you.
(Him): really?
He looked at her, who was still deeply being enthusiastic over the sea shells
(Him): would you remember them tomorrow? Or next week? Or forever?
She paused and looked at him puzzled
(Her): sorry, wait, who? Them?
He pointed at the seashells
(Him): These seashells. You seem so interested, as if you’re trying to remember every parts of those little things.
(Her): They’re beautiful. Maybe I would forget by tonight how it felt having them in my hands, I would most probably forget how they look specifically too. But you know what?
She takes his hand and put a few on his
(Her): I will never forget that they are beautiful, and if i come here I know that there are beautiful things that I can find. Maybe it will no longer be the same, but it is still pleasing to the eyes and soul. What say you?
(Him): mmhhmm, point taken. So why pink?
(Her): because I want to be remembered, as something beautiful. And to be so you have to be different. And I want to be remembered differently on this day compared to any other days. Why blue?
(Him): I intended to camouflage with the sea, but i guess i failed.
They both laughed
(Him): nah, I just thought that this moment is special. I’m already pitch black inside, as if you couldn’t see that yet. So blue, is not so far from black, but it is still special. You’re special.
(Her): Don’t be special because of me, be great by embracing that darkness you have in you. I mean, some people are so bright they don’t even know what is peace.
(Him): so do you want to get breakfast? I know a stall where they sell fresh fruits and cakes by now
He stood up, brushing off the sands and offered her a hand to help her get up
(Her): that sounds refreshing
She held his hand and they walked away.

*he checks his mailbox*
Its been a few days since he did so because he was too busy running errands to prepare himself before his departure. However, he still make time to write and send her letters on a daily basis even if he doesn’t read the ones she sent.
He takes all the letters in the mailbox. There was a few of them, with numbers labelled on top showing the number of letters he should receive. He opens one by one.
“Dear Love,
I miss you lots! It has just been almost a week since I had you at my sight and I am already getting dreams of you. The urge to just call you is just crazy, it feels like tempting on sorbets after a long day of surfing on a sunny day.
Oh love, funny how I also miss being a stale cookie just like before I met you. I miss the gloomy old days where I get to write to make the day a little more bearable. The feeling where I could control how happy I get by putting colours I chose on my paintings.
Now, writing to you is a therapy to me but having you before my eyes is priceless. I hope you’re handling well with whatever you’re doing. I will always be here waiting for you, always.
Till then, my only pretty boy.
Yours truly,

He smiles as he walks to him room. He opens the following letters while lying on his bed since he’s a little free on this day.

Guess who? Me! I know my handwriting is different in here, im just trying out new styles. I was by the beach during sunset yesterday and I said goodbye to it for you like you requested. It’s beautiful, knowing that some of the energy came from your goodmorning wishes to it. I hope you shine always like the Sun, untouchable and powerful. I will always witness you by heart. Take care, if anything, you know where to find me.
The girl who got thrown out of a spaceship, remember?”

 *phone on her table beeps*

Text from him: Lets talk?

*At the beach*
she stands in the water and he comes to join her from behind
(him): What if I instantly become vulnerable out there? What if these small cracks starts to worsen?
He faces her in a worried look and takes her hands
(him): What if I see you in other beings who walk pass by me and it kills me not having you to wink at or seeing you being all weird randomly?
she pulls his hand and step into the water letting waves innocently hit their knees
(her): I will write you letters, yes I will never stop. I will sing you goodnight, I will burn you a CD of our conversations and my ugly singing.
(him): What is going to happen to the lady I'm standing next to for the times I will be gone? How will she wake up to life and live lightly?
(her): She will receive letters from you, she will have you at the back of her mind. She will have hope, she won't wait but she will always believe in miracles.
they face each other and walks further up to sit on the sands
(her): we can do this the old fashioned way, it's the best way to be fair to fate. To have trust in what we should and should not?
(him): Do you think I can get that life we used to laugh about when we were younger?
he smiles looking straight into the sea
(her): whatever life we would get, the young us would still laugh about it because its a story they are eager to hear. What is 'the life' to you?
(him): Cliche book endings, cliche movie endings, cliche heroic actions.
she laughs silly and looks at him
(her): I don't know, I don't. But I could die right now, I could die whenever having the idea that I have achieved the life I was supposed to achieve. Don't you think so too?
(him): Of course, this feeling is what I can never let books write about or filmed. This feeling is simply complex, I wouldn't want the World to make their own assumptions about it.
he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and then faces her
(her): neither do I, let nature keep this safe.
(him): If I should bid farewell at this moment of time, what would you say to pack me for the long journey of life?
(her): It was supposed to be a surprise for you, keep this fair, come on?
she moves to lie down on his shoulders and holds his hand
(him): how would you know if this is the exact moment for you to speak of words of goodbye? Might as well allow me to listen carefully and embed it in my soul.
(her): You really want to know?
(him): Uhuh, go. Now.
(her): Stay out of trouble and always make time for yourself, Love! I will be waiting patiently for you to return in one piece with a mind full of intelligence.
(him): What if I never came back?
(her): Whatever you heart says, my heart says the same for you too.
(him): I love you dearly, thats what my heart says.
(her): Of course.

*at both their rooms, he calls her phone*
(him): hi! Can we meet by the beach tonight? Bring a lantern with you okay? See you babe.
(her): alrighty

*at the beach, at night. Sound of waves crashing the shore, the wind was pretty strong too. He comes from the left, and she came from the right, with lanterns in their hands*
They both stand side by side facing the audience, raising the lanterns, looking into each other’s eyes.
(him & her): Till life tells us to be apart, we could be villains babe, we go against darkness and screw up ghosts who haunted us.


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