Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I grew up bearing in my mind that people will leave. I grew up with my own ideologies. I grew up putting only 35% trust in my best-friends but 100% in strangers. I grew up not in fear but somehow surrounded by shields. Then you came and you loved me, you did not give up on me even a tiny bit. I pushed you away as harsh as I could but you still stood strong. I wonder what are you. Why are you putting so much effort on someone who doesn't need a backbone to live? So h hurt you again and again and I kept reminding you that I'm a waste of energy because I'm going to leave anyway. But you keep saying don't. So my trust grew in you, Not that much but it existed. My shields broke into a million pieces without having to be smashed by a wrecking ball. Until one day you told me
"If you think I don't have plans on leaving you, you're wrong. I'm just waiting for the time that you screw this up."

I have always been mean to love and now its waiting to blow me up. So now I'm the one who needs to watch out? Damn it love, I told you I don't want to sign up for this.

(i havent decided the title yet)

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